Saturday, November 23, 2013

Floral and etheral

Маленькие детали иногда значат очень много. Цветы и птицы, изящные линии, камни  в необычной оправе - подбирайте под настроение:3
Small details sometimes are the most important. Flowers and birds, elegant lines, gems in unusual frames - the choice depends on your mood:3
Эту пару я нашла на артярмарке:)
 Found on artmarket

Остальные - хранят историю моей семьи, когда-то их носила моя мама
The others keep my family's story - in former times they were weared by my mom


  1. All of them are so beautiful :) love your style, so romantic and vintage. Really cute :)

    Greetings from Italy :)

  2. This is so cute!! I love how beautiful your blog is!! Just stunning!! I also want to have the tabs at the top to separate and categorize my entries... is it hard to do?

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I've just followed you on GFC, looking forward to your next post love!!

    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | Winter Outfit: Cute Leggings!

  4. So cute
    Very nice blog

    Please visit:


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